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True Compass

Where are we all going? Where are we all going so quickly?! Not acknowledging one another, not listening, not paying attention, not being mindfully loving. We've drifted off the path, our Compass stopped working somewhere along the way... Our Compassion, that is!

Compassion is sympathy and concern for the misfortune of others, and it is truly lacking. Everyone is very numb and desensitized, because we've seen it all, right? "Who cares...?" Some would say. My response is: "You Should!" If you were suffering, would you want someone to care, or would you want to suffer alone? What if you couldn't make it on your own, perhaps due to some type of disability, wouldn't you want someone to show you some compassion and help you out? Of course they don't have to care about you, no one does, and if the world continues in the direction it's headed, no one will.

We pass so many homeless people day in and day out, ignoring their misfortune. We turn down the charities that come calling. And on our days off, we sleep in, go to brunch, and Netflix + chill, while we scroll through Instagram and post on Snapchat. Disregarding any local volunteer opportunities or spending time mentoring a family member.

I'm not saying give up your lifestyle, and I'm not even saying to be completely selfless. Self-care is very important, and it is vital to fill your own cup so that it may flow over into others. However, I am saying to be kind, to listen, to be attentive and show compassion when you are beckoned. This one shift will make this world a better, more kind and loving place for all of us!

Increase the amount of passion in the world with this

Compassion Exercise:

*Instructions: This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate (airports, malls, parks, beaches, etc.) It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the same person. Expected results are a personal sense of peace.

STEP 1: With attention on this person, repeat to yourself- "Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness in their life."

STEP 2: With attention on this person, repeat to yourself-"Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in their life."

STEP 3: With attention on this person, repeat to yourself-"Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair. "

STEP 4: With attention on this person, repeat to yourself-"Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill their needs. "

STEP 5: With attention on this person, repeat to yourself-"Just like me, this person is learning about life."

*Join the Compassion Project Team:


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