It is so essential right now to begin cultivating your community! Strengthening bonds in meaningful relationships, by deepening your interpersonal relationships will assure that you do not lead a lonely life in the future. Some people create families, with the desire to be constantly surrounded by love, nurturing, loyalty + compassion. However, some are not able to create families, or perhaps have even chosen not to for various reasons. Either way, spouses often pass on, and children eventually leave the nest. By building steady and true connections, by maintaining them and tending to them the same way you would tend a garden, you will ultimately have the "family" that you always desired!
Tea creates community, and it has been for over 5000 years. Bringing folks of all walks of life together for a nice hot cup of cha! Tea comes along with beautiful traditions, rituals + ceremonies. In China, where it all began, tea is seen as one of the seven necessities to start the day, and is drunk to finish off even a simple meal.
The traditional tea ceremonies or rituals are also seen as an essential component in social gatherings. Couples are often bonded for life during traditional tea ceremony weddings, where the families of the betrothed serve one another tea, as a symbol of the two families joining + honoring one another.
Tea Ceremonies are a beautiful addition to romantic relationships as well, since they give couples an opportunity to sit quietly, talking or not talking, which can also be very powerful. Having moments of mindful silence with your partner can definitely strengthen your relationship and bring about a sense of peace and calm. It is a wonderful way to honor the love you share and pay homage to one another as you prepare and serve the tea in the traditional Gong Fu style. Gong Fu means to do something with great skill, and in this instance that is the tea ceremony.
Check out our Gong Fu Cha Tea Ceremony below, and be sure to join us @TheGardenShoppeWPB for Tea! You can also book us for a Pop-Up Tea Lounge or Private Tea Ceremony, so please Contact Us: vibe@vibeslifestyle.com if you are interested!