You may have guessed by the name, that a "Farm Yard" is an outdoor space that serves as a cultivation plot for a mini food garden. Great news... the ban was just lifted in Florida on having food gardens in your yard, so you don't have to worry about fines or hassles if you are a Florida grower!

Palm Beach Farmyards is a local non-profit that focuses on eco-sustainability and teaching the public how to grow their own gardens at home. When you have tomatoes, kale, spinach, onions, peppers, and a variety of other fresh produce growing right outside your doorstep, not only do you save on groceries, you also save on gas and time going on trips to the store. There are a ton of benefits to eating locally, and what is more local than your own backyard?!
We are joining Palm Beach Farm Yards at The Garden Shoppe, in the new Rosemary Square, West Palm Beach (formerly known as CityPlace) for some wonderful events, as well as their Sunday Farmer's Market 12-8PM! We hope to see you there! If you haven't heard of Palm Beach Farmyards, you should know that they are making moves towards a greener tomorrow.

Their mission is to turn food deserts into food forests. They create a more robust local food system by expanding direct producer-to-consumer markets. The goal is to build 30 SPIN farms in Palm Beach County and deliver fresh, local & healthy food to our community. SPIN stands for s-mall p-lot in-tensive, and the SPIN-Farming learning series teaches you how to take a backyard, front lawn or neighborhood lot to new levels of productivity and profitability that go far beyond traditional home gardening practices. Whether you want to farm professionally, or produce a significant supply of commercial-grade crops for your family and friends, follow the system that has already launched thousands of new home and community-based farm operations throughout the US and Canada.
As certified Florida Master Gardeners with over 6 years of priceless landscaping experience in high-end Palm Beach gardens, they definitely know how to construct, functional and beautiful gardens in various sized spaces. They've figured out how to grow the best tasting fruits, veggies, and herbs in abundance!
Palm Beach Farmyards offers landscape design, installation, and maintenance services throughout Palm Beach County and beyond. They specialize in raised-bed annual gardens and fruit trees. Every purchase from The Garden Shoppe + Palm Beach Farmyards goes to support their mission.
To learn more about Palm Beach Farmyards, come sip some . ART OF CHA . tea with us this Friday, July 12th from 5-8PM at "Beverages In The Garden", or Sunday, July 14th for the Farmer's Market from 12-8PM, at The Garden Shoppe in Rosemary Square, 700 S. Rosemary Ave, West Palm Beach, FL. See You There!
